“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”. “And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters”. God said let the waters gather, God said let the earth bring forth grass and herb. He said “Let there be lights in the firmament” and He said “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature”. God spoke land animals and man onto the earth which He formed from the void. (Genesis chapter 1)
When God speaks, substance manifests from complete emptiness and nothingness. He is the only author of life and the beginning of all things. This is not a metaphor—I challenge you to meditate on this and attempt to find even an example of only one human creation generated without using anything at all that was already made. Stop here, set your timer for however long you think it might take you to find this example and then come back and share your findings in the paragraph below.
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecc.1:9) Welcome back. There is nowhere to put your victory notes because there has been no victory. Humans have done some amazing things with our minds and hands but nothing has ever come from our hands which was not already “under the sun”. In other words, every idea that we come up with is dependent on the discovery of resources already established. We use resources that are already here and then we manipulate them into “new” creations but we cannot come up with an idea that is totally independent of absolutely everything that has ever been conceptualized before us and around us. God can though and He did it and He called it life.
There is no other author of life. Life is not tangible and it is not just a concept—it is as real as you reading these words that I have put on the page. You cannot imagine what it would be like to not exist yet you did not exist once. You were pulled out of void—absolute nothingness—and you were made into substance; Like we take clay from a package and form it into something that looks recognizable, He formed you; however, God did not have a packet of clay that He had to start with. He just made you from His breath from a place of having never existed in any meaning of the word before.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7). And so we are made to this day as He breathes our life into existence from absolute nothing into the body that is formed from man’s flesh. We can indeed create a body but we cannot and will not ever be able to author new life from absolute void. Yet Our Father created both, body and life, and He did it through words and the breath thereof.
God truly created an abundance of things that He alone conceptualized and no other input was required. He did not need wires or bulbs when He made light happen. He didn’t need to build some engineered object to cause the earth to bring forth grass and plenty. He didn’t even need two people to come together to generate a child’s body for Him to put a human life on earth—He just made a form and breathed life and there Adam lay in the dust having never before been made.
Just meditate on that for a minute and let this affect your heart—this is profound to say the least.
Now, remember John 1:1-5—I quote it often because it is indeed a cornerstone in more ways than can be said here: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and life was the light of men.” Notice that “Word” is capitalized and that the Word was with God and was God—they are together and they are one in the same. The Word is Jesus and without him was nothing made. That is true. God’s Word is what created everything that was made and nothing was made without His Word. Genesis 1:1-2 confirms this beautiful truth.
Gods words became manifest as a human being and we knew this human being as Jesus Christ and we know Him still as the same resurrected Jesus Christ. The incredible point here is this: when ALL of God’s words were spoken into existence and were manifest into natural existence, a man came into being who was sinless, perfect, without blemish and incorruptible. He was on earth as He is in heaven. He represented God on earth as a mirror image. God’s words are so perfect and precise, that the embodiment of those words was identically perfect and precise despite the human body that contained Him.
In His still, small voice, the Lord said to me: “If your words were embodied into a being, what would that being look like?” What would that being look like? If any of us sat in our living room and brought forth the embodiment of our spoken words and had that creature standing in our living room, would we even recognize it? Some of us might scream and reach for the baseball bat, surprised by the demon shredding the couch while some others might see a fair representation of themselves—some of which being positive and some not so positive. One thing I know for certain is that not even one of us would have the perfect representation of Godliness standing as a looking glass in our midst as Jesus stood having been made of His Father’s words.
The words that we speak are manifesting substance. Just because we do not see them embodied in flesh does not mean that they do not impact the world that we live in and the people that we encounter. God’s words were perfect before they became flesh, representing nothing but the truth, life and love with no deception, evil or senselessness. His words are still perfect and because of that, His Word has the power to change us almost effortlessly. Why? Because everything that He has ever said is absolute and He is the author of life through words alone. When we allow Him to speak into us, He authors life into us that is eternal and that new life comes with a brand new nature.
Accepting God’s Word is making Jesus Lord of your life and allowing Him to come in with new life and make those alterations. Experiencing the effortless transformation requires nothing more than absorbing the word provided to us in written form. In doing this, you are given a new life and new nature and then as you read the scripture, you begin to transform into “A new creation”. This transformation will affect your desires, the intentions of your heart, the words that you say and it will break every single stronghold over your life. No exceptions.
And the best news of all is the Gospel which demonstrates that no matter what you do or say, think or fail at, God sees you and loves you like He see and loves His Son because Jesus made you perfect in your spirit and He freed you from the law and replaces that law with grace. The gift is free and there is no one who is unable to accept it.
