Discover Word of God, Scripture and Testimony

Formulaic Relationship? Be rooted in the word and be transformed to the unique "you" whom God made.
The scripture is how we grow our relationship with God. Your talents will vary as God grows us if the foundation is His word.
The Fruit of Love is Humility, The Fruit of Shame is Pride
What is your reaction to pain? If anyone reading this has ever hit your thumb with a hammer or laid claim to an epic (or not so epic)...
Shortest Scripture to Minister to the Heart
One of my favorite verses of the bible is also one of the shortest in the bible: John 11:35 "Jesus wept." Before I expound on this, allow...
A Pony’s Testimony
How well would you say that you love? Kind of? Pretty good? No problem in that area!? What about this question: how well do you let...
The Bible is Confusing?
Like everything, the way that we process scripture can be dramatically different depending on the perspective that we approach it from....
Words Manifest and it Looks Like This
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”. “And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it...
The Perfect Supernatural Logic of Scripture
Every time I start writing up a teaching from the scripture to share, I receive so many new revelations that halfway through my intended...
Walk Upon Your Storm
Take a look at John 6, 15-21: The disciples went out onto the sea in a boat to cross over to Capernaum and Jesus did not accompany them....
The Spirit of God Descending Like a Dove
The first call sent from above to bring this sanctuary together came in the form of a dove. Working on my computer in a back room of the...
Pages Soon to be Overflowing!
We are brand new and getting all set up but rest assured, there is boundless knowledge to be poured out in the very near future from the...